
冰雪季丨你知道什么叫Après Ski 雪后派对吗?

广告 北京国贸大酒店 2022-05-13

Après ski 来源于法语,其实就是after ski 滑雪后的意思。后来人们热衷于在滑雪之后找一个雪场小屋或是酒吧开怀畅饮,于是又衍生出了“雪后派对” 这个社交活动。北京国贸大酒店在即将来临的2月,将云·酷打造成雪场小屋,让留在京城的客人不出城就能感受到越来越燃的冰雪季气氛。

The term Après ski comes from the French, which literally translated means ‘after ski’. Following a day on the mountains, people were keen to find a hut or bar to join together in a cozy, fun environment and enjoy a drink and food after skiing, and so the activity of "après ski" came to be. This coming February, China World Summit Wing, Beijing will transform their Atmosphere Bar, into a mountain inspired Après Ski venue, so that guests in Beijing can enjoy the sensation and experience of a winter hut without leaving the comfort and warmth in the city.

除了特别的主题装饰外,云·酷酒吧还将带来特色美食及多款专属鸡尾酒。精选来自冰雪运动强国及滑雪胜地的美食,美式汉堡,德国香肠,瑞士奶酪盘等等,满足客人们在冰雪季对美食的热爱。酒吧新任调酒师Jerry 也调制了多款特色饮品,等待更多客人的光临。 


In addition to the themed decoration and fun staff snow outfits, Atmosphere Bar has curated dishes drawn from eight countries that enjoy the mountain experience. Choose from dishes such as Canadian Poutine, a German sausage platter, delicious Swiss raclette and accompaniments  as well as a full kilo pot of Moules with frites, perfect for sharing with friends. The new Mixology team at Atmosphere Bar, headed by Head Barman Jerry, have cleverly created five inspired winter cocktails to match with the dishes .


即日起,在小红书上关注北京国贸大酒店,发布话题#打卡云酷,同时文中@北京国贸大酒店,并定位“云·酷Atmosphere(国贸大酒店)” 即有机会赢取香格里拉集团限量版虎虎生威新年红包一套(一盒十枚,不含礼金)。截止2022年2月12日10点,话题#打卡云酷下点赞数量前三位胜出,以酒店小红书私信获奖为准。

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